LinkedIn Integration
Integrate your LinkedIn page to connect with your customers through their favorite social media sites.
MySpace Integration
Integrate your MySpace page to connect with your customers through their favorite social media sites.
OpenTable Integration
Integrate a restaurant reservation system into your mobile app for on the go restaurant reservations.
GrubHub Integration
Easily integrate your restaurant’s GrubHub ordering system in your mobile app in seconds for quick ordering.
Voice Recorder Feature
The notepad feature allows users to record voice notes and email them to anyone at anytime.
MyEmma Integration
Easily import contacts gathered from your mobile app into your favorite email marketing campaign service.
Campaign Monitor Int.
Easily import contacts gathered from your mobile app into your favorite email marketing campaign service.
Constant Contact Int.
Easily import contacts gathered from your mobile app into your favorite email marketing campaign service.
Get Response Int.
Easily import contacts gathered from your mobile app into your favorite email marketing campaign service.
iContact Integration
Easily import contacts gathered from your mobile app into your favorite email marketing campaign service.
MailChimp Integration
Easily import contacts gathered from your mobile app into your favorite email marketing campaign service.
Shopping Cart Feature
Looking to create a mobile store? Easily add and sell items through your mobile app via PayPal or Google Check Out.
WuFoo Integration
Easily create an appointment, order, feedback or contact form using Wufoo and much much more.
Volusion Integration
Automatically integrate all of your Volusion store items into a mobile shopping cart feature.
Mobile Ads Feature
Easily integrate ads into your app using many of the best mobile ad providers available.
Instagram Integration
Automatically integrate all of your photos from Instragram into a beautifully displayed format for your app.
Notepad Feature
The notepad feature allows users to record text notes and email them to anyone at anytime.
YouTube Integration
Easily display hundreds of videos from your YouTube channel beautifully inside of your mobile apps.
Flickr Integration
Display images of your business in a beautiful image gallery format directly from your Flickr account.
Picasa Integration
Display images of your business in a beautiful image gallery format directly from your Picasa account.
SoundCloud Integration
Integrate any audio file online to allow for users to listen on the go from their favorite mobile device.
Shopify Integration
Automatically integrate all of your Shopify store items into a mobile shopping cart feature.
Magento Integration
Automatically integrate all of your Magento store items into a mobile shopping cart feature.